Commercial & Residential | Brookfield & Elm Grove


Grass mowing Brookfield

Maximize Your Lawn’s Health with Our Expert 5-Step Fertilizer and Weed Control Program

At Brookfield Lawn Care & Mowing, we understand that the secret to the perfect lawn is a precise, expertly executed care plan. Our specialists bring over 72 years of combined experience in lawn fertilizer and weed control across Southeast Wisconsin, harnessing their extensive knowledge to combat common and rare lawn diseases, ensuring your turf remains robust and radiantly green.

Weekly Mowing Service

Sign up for weekly mowing, lawn trimming, weeding and clean up!

Tailored Treatment Plans for Every Lawn

We recognize that every lawn is unique, which is why we offer customized treatment plans to suit the specific needs of your turf and your budget. Our flexible programs are designed to provide exactly what your lawn requires, no more, no less, promising you the best results without unnecessary costs.

Our Signature 5-Step Fertilizer and Weed Control Program Includes:

  1. Spring Awakening (Early April – Early May): A balanced application of fertilizer coupled with pre-emergent crabgrass control lays the foundation for a healthy start to the growing season. We also include a targeted broadleaf weed spray, ensuring your lawn is pristine from the outset.
  2. Early Summer Vigilance (Mid-May – Early July): As temperatures rise, our broadleaf weed control spray ensures that unwelcome growths don’t compromise the uniformity of your lush lawn.
  3. Mid Summer Sustenance (Mid July – Late August): Our slow-release balanced fertilizer is formulated to maintain the lawn’s verdant hue through the heat of summer, accompanied by spot treatments for any stubborn broadleaf weeds.
  4. Autumn Enrichment (Early September – Mid October): We apply a robust balance of fertilizer combined with a broadleaf weed control spray to prepare your lawn for the cooler days ahead, setting the stage for enduring health.
  5. Winter Preparation (Late October – End of November): Our late fall treatment involves a substantial winterizing fertilizer, providing the necessary nutrients to fortify your lawn against the winter chill and ensuring a vibrant resurgence in spring.

Spring and Fall Clean Up

Whether you’re looking to clean up your landscaping after a long winter, or trim back in fall before the snow comes, we can help!

Free EstimateCALL (262) 383-4915

Lawn care Brookfield

We Fix Lawns Like This 🙂

Educational Resources and Disease Management

We are committed to not just treating your lawn, but educating you on its care. Our resourceful use of authoritative sites like The Grass Master’s Disease Identification empowers us to show clients real examples of lawn diseases, ensuring we can identify and treat any condition your lawn may face.

Experience and Expertise You Can Trust

Drawing upon our state-wide network of experts, no challenge is too great for us to handle. Whether it’s a common issue or a complex problem, our seasoned team stands ready to devise and implement the most effective solution.

Invest in your lawn’s long-term beauty and health with Brookfield Lawn Care & Mowing’s professional care. Contact us today to learn more about how our bespoke programs can transform your lawn into the envy of the neighborhood.

Additional Services

We have a full list of other services to round out your lawn care and landscape care.

Spring or Fall Core Aeration: Aeration is the process of removing plugs of soil in the lawn to help air, water, and nutrients move into the soil, alleviate soil compaction and reduce thatch.

De-thatching:  Thatch is the layer of mainly dead grass that can build up between the green grass above and the root system below. Too much thatch can result in an insect infestation, disease,  and prevent grass roots from growing deep into the soil, making the entire grass plant more vulnerable.

Tree and Shrub Care: Our experts can prune your trees and shrubs and inspect for and treat insect damage.

Sprinkler Systems: We can make watering a breeze during those long summers by installing a sprinkler system.

Slit Seeding/Over seeding: Slit seeding means we cut thin grooves into the top of the soil, implant the seeds and recover them. This allows turf grass that has become thin or bare spots to grow in healthy.